May 29, 2016 – August 24, 2016
The last exhibition of the Portuguese Marisa Ferreira in the GALERIE MESSMER was completely sold out. Only 33 years old, the artist has been represented in many exhibitions from America to China. She is firmly established in the international art world. From May 29th, 2016 she will be shown again in Riegel with the latest works of her work.
With large format works, Marisa Ferreira is present in many public places and in collections. Such was the monumental installation, for example, on the facade of Oslo Central Station. Among the public collections in which Ferreira is represented is Museum Stavager, Norway.
She combines the three main components of colour, form and space into three-dimensional compositions in an exciting way. The movement of the viewer is almost challenged: only when walking around the work can the individual patterns and color structures with their various facets be experienced with the senses! A space-time continuum is created, which incorporates the respective point of view of the viewer directly into the picture and thus goes beyond the passive visual encounter with the work of art.
Marisa Ferreira finds inspiration in scientific theories of human perception and phenomenology. In her works, which are mainly made of aluminum and plywood, she translates these into thematic sequences.
The art is inspired by Leonardo Fibonacci’s natural number sequences. She remains true to her concept of “zigzag” structures in her new works. These are also influenced by the ideas of the philosopher Maurice Merlau-Ponty and the German physicist Werner Heisenberg. Heisenberg’s model of quantum mechanics is found above all in your expression of the space-time relationship. The works change depending on the viewing angle. In this way, the visitor becomes an active part of her work. In this way, Ferreira conveys social contexts on the basis of Merleau-Ponty’s theses. It is emphasized that the individual subject always has a very personal relationship to his environment and his social environment.