Joachim teacher

About the artist


Magically foreign worlds appear in Joachim Lehrer’s pictures and yet they are “so strangely familiar”. Parked in it and given up: Vehicles – big trucks, small street fleas. Loneliness of a pleasant kind, flooded with mild light: this is – briefly outlined – teacher’s pictorial world, resin oil glaze painting on wooden panels. However, one thing is missing: the human being, and there is a method to that. Here, these vehicles take on human traits, become protagonists and begin to tell stories. The Tübingen painter plays with our myth of the automobile with virtuosity, whereby his pictures appear both full of irony and extremely realistic. With the thematization of technology, he shows symbols of human action that stimulate reflection.

Using the technique of the old masters, he puts the picture together from many superimposed glazes. Glazes: so thin that the brush cannot leave any traces. Deepened in the dark and applied in a slightly impasto in the light: this is how the almost photographically smooth surface comes to life in its interaction: here opaque, there translucent down to the painting surface. Centuries after Dutch painters developed this painting process, it continues to do justice to modern tasks.

The sphere of influence of his exhibitions extends from Sweden to Switzerland, from France to Austria. However, his work can be seen on four continents, not least in well-known public collections and museums.